Winter's Tale


I am currently 5/6 through "Winter's Tale".  I can't decide if the reason I haven't finished it is that the version I've been listening to is difficult to use without going over my cellular data limit, or if it just got too weird. Too wordy. Too...I really don't know.  Normally I like weird and unusual, but this just keeps spreading out more and more and I no longer have a handle on the point of it.  Maybe I'll just watch the movie.

I've been using Hoopla to access the book, which is a pretty cool system that lets you rent audiobook and other media with a participating library.  Unfortunately, it streams the book, so that if I do not have consistent internet connection, it starts eating into my data plan.  They claim you can download to a portable device, but I have not been able to get that feature to work properly.  

But back to the Tale. It's ambitious.  Maybe the ending will blow me away. I'm sure I'll make it there eventually...Or I'll just break down and watch the movie instead.  Which will probably cover about 1/10th of what is in the book.  

The obsession with the horse and with winter...I just don't get.


Tags: books, winter, horses

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