

I'm a big fan of Pandora. I don't have to decide exactly what I want to listen to, just the general genre. I find out about new (to me) artists that I might otherwise never hear.

One complaint I have is the narrowness of some "stations". For one, I feel like I hear a lot of the same artists/songs on any given station. Maybe I just listen to it too much, and need to "add variety", but surely there is more out there? Or maybe pandora just doesn't have the licenses?

My R.E.M. station is great, but why do they think I only want to listen to late 80s/early 90s music? I'm willing to bet that there are newer artists with similar styles. Although, maybe others would complain if they did play outside the band's era. Such is life.

Music expresses that which cannot be said and on which it is impossible to be silent.

- Victor Hugo

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